Early Years

Disability Access Fund Continued

Disability Access Fund Continued

If a child attends more than one setting, funding is paid to the childcare provider nominated by the parent/carer.

If a child eligible for DAF moves from one setting to another within a financial year, the new setting is not eligible to receive DAF funding for this child within the same financial year. DAF funding received by the original setting will not be recouped by the local authority.

Where a child lives in one authority area but attends a provider in a different local authority, the provider’s local authority is responsible for funding the DAF for the child and eligibility checking.

Please note: Four-year-olds in primary and infant school reception classes are NOT eligible for Disability Access Funding.

Payments will be made in accordance with information recorded on the termly claim form or schools census.

If you have any queries regarding payment of DAF funding please contact the Early Years Funding Team on 01296 387111

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