Early Years

Registering as a Provider

Registering as a Provider

In order to make effective business decisions in these early stages, it is essential that you decide on the duration and type of childcare you wish to provide as the relevant registration with Ofsted will be required.  You will also need to have a sound understanding of the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Childcare Register. The EYFS covers children from birth to 31st August following their 5th birthday (end of reception stage at school) and the childcare register from Year 1 upwards (compulsory and voluntary parts).Information about these registration requirements are available from the Ofsted Website.

You should look at and consider carefully the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which sets the standards for learning, development and care for children age birth to five, which need to be met in order to achieve Ofsted registration.

You should research whether there is a need for the services you are proposing, including what gap in provision you would be filling and how you would differentiate yourself from competitors. Alongside this carefully consider your location and whether or not the nursery is likely to be a viable business proposition by creating a business and financial plan.  Review of our Business Planning and Childcare Sufficiency information my help you with this.

Please contact the early years team directly to discuss any suitable premises alongside any planning permission that may be required for the use of premises as a nursery. We will provide contact details of your local Early Years Business and Finance Advisor who will be able to support you with this.

You should also consider how the project will be financed, particularly obtaining the premises and the costs involved in converting and resourcing them to become a suitable nursery space. In addition, it is usual for nurseries to need cash in the first year, in order to pay running costs whilst occupancy levels are built up.

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